About Me

Copenhagen, Denmark
Doing random stuff on my computers and documenting it for future use. Probably not interesting to anybody but meee. lappysaurus: HP Elitebook 2530P. minilan: ASUS Eee PC 901. evillan: Fujitsu Siemens Amilo PRO V3205. mobillan: HTC Hero.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Java thingy in firefox

20.54: Installed gcjwebplugin (tastselv/digital signatur).

20.59: Didn't work. Installing sun-java6-jre (so we meet again). Still not working. Trying to restart Firefox.

21.02: Nope. Rebooting ubuntu.

21:06: Success! Excellent.


16.27: TEXINPUTS... the plot thickens! From a .log file from my newly compiled .tex file:
And from bash:
ltp@evillan:~$ kpsewhich SIunits.sty
Tried with my other .sty files from ~/LaTeX/pakker too. All of them are in the texlive-full distribution now, it seems. Well, all except siunitx, my favorite package for typesetting (SI) units. That's probably why I'm having trouble with TEXINPUTS. I'll move siunitx.sty to ~/LaTeX/pakker and see what happens then.

16.33: Still not working. And I didn't forget to sudo texhash it this time. The weird thing is,
ltp@evillan:~$ kpsewhich siunitx.sty
I also 'exec bash'ed it.

16.34: Oh yeah, I reverted CapsLock to the default via System->Preferences->Keyboard->Layouts->Layout Options->CapsLock behavior. You can to all sorts of things but not disable it. Why? I don't want to do fancy stuff.

16.37: I'll probably just move siunitx.sty to /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/.

16.39: Aand it's working. Still prefer the idea about locally installed LaTeX packages in the home dir, though. Anyways
ltp@evillan:~$ kpsewhich siunitx.sty
I don't recall having any problems with TEXINPUTS before. PATH, sure, but that was probably because of ignorance, but not TEXINPUTS. I'm still a n00b.

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